Correlation between being religious commitment and misdemeanors in school on students of MTS Nurul Iman bandung

Anisa Fathin Afifah, Agus Sofyandi Kahfi


Mts  Nurul Iman is one of the schools provides Islamic relgion education more that other schools do. It is believable that by providing Islamic religion material can increase students’ commitment of being religious. Infact, such behaviours of 9 grade students as telling a lie, remaking the mistake, being late and pessimist, unable to control tension or showing low commitment behaviours of being religious. The students with those behaviours tend to break the school regulation. The objective of this study is to obtain empirical data about the correlation between being religious commitment and misdemeanors in school on 9 grade students A-E of Mtss Nurul Iman. The method used is correlation with 70 students as the sample. The instrument used is questionnaire about beling religious based on theory of Glock & Strak (1969 :4) adapted by Agus Sofyandi Kahfi (2015). The instrument of misdemeanors in school based on theoryof Hurlock (1973) adapted with the regulation of MTs Nurul Iman. The results show that the correlation scale is -0.659, which means that there is a negative relationship with high level correlation between being religious commitment and misdemeanors in school on studentss of 9 grade A-E Mts Nurul Iman. It means that the lower the commitment, the higher the misdemeanors in school. On the contrary, the higher the commitment the lower the misdemeanors in school.


Being religious commitment, misdemeanors in school.


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