The correlation between being religious commitment and self efficacy in academic field on students of SKTM (official statement about being poor or indigent) in SMAN 18 Bandung.

Selly Pratiwi Hegarwati, Agus Sofyandi Kahfi


SMAN 18 Bandung is one of state schools provides more religion education to the students. Hopefully, by providing the students more about religion materials can increase their commitment  in being religious and it can be shown by good behaviour such as submitting the task ontime, able to be friend to anyone, attending the school ontime, managing their time properly betwween study time and play time. Studentss with those kinds of behaviours tend to be unconfident doing their tasks, doubtful in remedial test, deciding to ask their friends when they find difficulty, feeling that studying at every evening can help them to obtain satisfied score. The objective of this study is to obtain empirical data about the the correlation between being religious commitment and self efficay on students’ academic performance in SMAN 18 Bandung. The method used is correlation method with 78 students as the sample. The instrument used is questionnaire about being religious commitment based on theory of Glock and amp; Strak (1969:4) that is modified by Agus Sofyandi Kahfi (2015). The instrument used in self efficacy is based on Bandura theory (1997) adapted with students’ academic tasks and requirements in SMAN 18 Bandung. The results show that correlation coefficient is 0,508, it means that there is a positive correlation between being religious commitment and self efficacy in the academic performance of SKTM students. It means that he higher the commitment, the higher the self efficacy of students academic performance in SMAN 18 Bandung.


Being religious commitment, self efficacy in academic field.


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