Desriptive study of Adversity Quotient on SLB-C teachers of Islam in Bandung City.

Rery Adjeng Putri, Milda Yanuvianti


SLB-C Islam teachers are teachers graduated from special education that specially teaching and educating drifters or undeveloped children. Teachers found many difficulties and obstacles such as teaching subjects which are not on their expertise so they must teach them in differen approach, they must face students’ anger and bad habits come their homes. In this case, some teachers see those as a challenge, some see as an easy problem or a hard problem that cannot be solved. How the teacher see those problems describe Adversity Quotient. The objective of the study is to describe Adversity Quotient on SLB-C Islam teachers in Bandung. The method used is descriptive study with 20 teachers of SLB-C Islam as the sample. Analysis technique used  is frequentcy distrubution data analysis. The results show that 11 teachers have low Adversity Quotient (camper) and 9 teachers have high adversity Quotient (climber), it means that those teacher have responsibility, do not much blame themselves, have a strong control. However, they remain seeing those problems as long-lasting problems.


Teachers of SLB-C Islam, drifter, Adversity Quotient,


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