Pengaruh Job Crafting terhadap Work Engagement pada Karyawan PT. X

Angga Januar Ramadhan Sutisna, Hendro Prakoso, Vici Sofianna Putera


Abstract. Job crafting is defined as self-initiated changes that employees made their job demand with job resources balanced and to suit their preferences and needs. The aim of this study is to determined the influences of job crafting on employee work engagement in Indonesia. Data obtained from the entire study population of 52 people from PT.X. Measurement of work engagement using UWES-17 from Schaufeli, Salanova, Gonzales-Roma & Bakker, (2002) and job crafting scale from Tims et al., (2012). The results of this study indicate that job crafting has a significant effect on work engagement by 68.1% (R = .825, R2 = 0.681). The dimension of job crafting that has a significant effect is only increasing social job resources (ISoJR) (0.001 <0.05) and contributes to the effect of β = 0.740 on work engagement. It can be concluded that work engagement is influenced by employees' efforts to seek support from colleagues and superiors in the workplace.


Keywords : job crafting, work engagement, job demand, job resources


job crafting, work engagement, job demand, job resources

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