Studi Deskriptif Mengenai Pyschological Well-Being pada Waria di Kota Bandung

Septiana Ridwan, Milda Yanuvianti


Abstract— A shemale, they have many sources of stress. This research is motivated by the view that shemale have a psychological burden because of their appearance and sexual orientation. The process of accepting oneself is quite difficult, coupled with the prejudice, stigma and rejection that exist in society. The purpose of this research is to describe the Psychological Well Being in shemale through a qualitative method of narrative study. Researchers interviewed 3 people with gay sexual orientation who had cross-dressed to collect data. Each informant interviewed told of an important aspect or certain event that they had experienced. Data will be analyzed using thematic analysis. The result of this research is that informants who have good Psychological Well Being have progressive / optimistic life narratives. Factors that support Psychological Well Being are social support, self-understanding, feelings of acceptance, expectations for others, feelings of disappointment because of unfulfilled expectations, assessment of the situation at hand, and openness to new experiences. The results of the descriptions of the research show that early self-acceptance and social support can help theprocess Psychological Well Being informants'faster. After accepting themselves, informants feel comfortable presenting themselves as transgender women and tend to be able to prepare themselves for environmental reactions. In the end, informants will feel more comfortable, able to accept and make peace with themselves and be more prepared for environmental views.

Key words—shemale, psychological well-being (PWB), description, narrative


Waria, psychological well-being, deskripsi, narasi

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