Students personality profiles who do academic corruptions in psychology faculty of UNISBA “X†class observed from Big Five Theory.

Desti Yuniarti, Temi Damayanti Djamhoer


Academic corruption is a problem that everyone talks about in universities especially UNISBA. So does psychology faculty of UNISBA, it has the same problem such as plagiarism, cooperation in the examination, opening textbook or gadget in the examintaion time, forging data, signing other’s signature, copying other’s answer in the examination and so on. The punishment seem does not make the doers give up. The reasons behind those corruptions is fear and anxiety that they can not join the examination. They are worried to restudy the subjects, lazy to do tasks, helpful for friends, frightened to be avoided by others, and very bad competitor. Those bahaviours are explained by McCarae and Costa in their big five personality theory including: neuroticism (N), extraversion (E), openness to new experience (O), agreeableness (A), conscientiousness (C). Those typical personalities have either high and low. The objective of this study is to describe students’ personality who did academic corruption especially in psychology faculty class X. The sample of the population is 35 students of UNISBA. From the data calculation using big five measuring instrument arranged by Goldberg in International Personality Item Pool (IPIP) website. The results show that personality type of the students is high neurotic type, low extraversion, low openness, low agreeable, and low consientiousness (N↑E↓O↓A↓C↓). It means that they have high anxiety, inconfident, lazy, immoral, goalless to do something.


Academic corruption, personality, Big Five Personality.


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