Descritive study of persistence (Grit) and social support to Gifted students grade X IA 1 in SMAN 1 Purwakarta.

Eka Rosalina, Sulisworo Kusdiyati


SMAN 1 Purwakarta provides an excellent class establishment program (CI) for students who have IQ score ±  more than130 (gifted). The class  consists of 31 students. It is created to enrich knowledge about appropriate school and university subjects. The focus of this program is material broadening and deepening of the material and is not learning time speed in the classroom. Alot of demand causes 4 students quit. In order to hold the program out, the students have to have high persistence. The persistence (Grit) is the theory developed by Angela Duckworth (2007). The objective of this study is to obtain empirical data about persistence image (grit) and to find external factors that influence it, and that is social support. The method used here is descriptive study. The grit measurement tool used in this study is two dimensions of Angela Duckworth grit theory; consistency of interest and preseverance of effort.  Social support measurement tool used in this study is 5 aspects of social support theory Sarafino (1994); emotion support, reward, instrumental, information and social network. The results show that 8 students have the lowest grit and 23 students have high grit. The students with low grit have low instrumental support from their parents. For 23 students with high grit have high social support from their parents.


Gifted student, Grit, consistency of interest, preseverance of effort, social support.


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