Hubungan Antara Tipe Kepribadian Big Five dengan Work-Family Conflict pada Perawat

Sherly Anggraini, Anna Rozana


Abstract. Nurse is one of the professions that is mostly dominated by female workers. Female nurses who are married are faced with two roles at once, namely the roles as workers and housewives. If they cannot balance their roles at work and family, it can cause conflict, which is known as work-family conflict (Greenhaus & Beutell, 1985). One of the important factors that can affect work-family conflict is personality. This study aims to determine the closeness of the relationship between the big five personality type (McCrae & Costa, 1992) and work-family conflict (Greenhaus & Beutell, 1985). The method used is the correlation method. Data processing using the Spearman Rank analysis technique. The subjects in this study were 100 female nurses at the Muhammadiyah Bandung Hospital. Measurements were made using the Big Five Inventory measurement tool from John & Srivastava (1999) which has been adapted into Indonesian language and culture by Neila Ramdani (2012), Work-Family Conflict from Carlson & Kacmar adapted by Indah Kuntari (2016). The results showed that the big five personality types that had a significant negative relationship with work-family conflict were extraversion personality types (r = -0.592 and p <0.05), agreeableness (r = -0.559 and p <0.05), conscientiousness. (r = -0.679 and p <0.05), and openness (r = -0.521 and p <0.05). Meanwhile, neuroticism personality type has a positive and significant relationship with work-family conflict (r = 0.593 and p <0.05).

Keywords: Big-Five Personality, Work-Family Conflict, Nurse.

Abstrak. Perawat merupakan salah satu profesi yang paling banyak didominasi oleh tenaga kerja wanita. Perawat wanita yang telah berkeluarga, dihadapkan oleh dua peran sekaligus, yaitu perannya sebagai pekerja dan ibu rumah tangga. Apabila tidak dapat menyeimbangkan perannya di pekerjaan dan keluarga maka dapat menimbulkan konflik, yang disebut sebagai work-family conflict (Greenhaus & Beutell, 1985). Salah satu faktor penting yang dapat mempengaruhi work-family conflict adalah kepribadian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keeratan hubungan antara tipe kepribadian big five (McCrae & Costa,1992) dengan work-family conflict (Greenhaus & Beutell, 1985).  Metode yang digunakan adalah metode korelasional. Pengolahan data menggunakan teknik analisis Rank Spearman.  Subjek pada penelitian ini adalah 100 orang perawat wanita di Rumah Sakit Muhammadiyah Bandung.  Pengukuran dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat ukur Big Five Inventory dari John & Srivastava (1999) yang telah diadaptasi kedalam bahasa dan budaya Indonesia oleh Neila Ramdani (2012), Work-Family Conflict dari Carlson & Kacmar yang diadaptasi oleh Indah Kuntari (2016). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tipe kepribadian big five yang memiliki hubungan negatif signifikan dengan work-family conflict adalah tipe kepribadian extraversion (r=-0,592 dan p<0,05), agreeableness (r=-0,559 dan p<0,05), conscientiousness (r=-0,679 dan p<0,05), dan openness (r=-0,521dan p<0,05).  Sedangkan tipe kepribadian neuroticism berhubungan positif dan signifikan dengan work-family conflict (r=0,593 dan p<0,05).

Kata Kunci: Big-Five Personality, Work-Family Conflict, Perawat.


Big Five Personality, Work-family Conflict, Perawat

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