Pengaruh Motif Gaming terhadap Perilaku Kecanduan Game Online pada Komunitas E-Sports Bandung

Ilham Rizqullah Setiadie, Fanni Putri Diantina


Abstract. The negative impact of online game addiction is a decrease in the quality of health as well as work and academic performance, social isolation and disturbed sleep quality. On the other hand, there are positive impacts such as increasing the ability to play games in strategy or tactics, meeting financial needs, and adding new relationships. Every human behavior is influenced by a motive factor within. Likewise, the behavior of playing online games, someone who is addicted to online games is thought to be influenced by a motive to continue playing online games or a gaming motive. The purpose of this study was to see how closely the influence of the aspects of the gaming motive on the addictive behavior of playing online games among pro gamers in the E-Sports community in Bandung. The method used is the quantitative method of causality involving 164 research respondents as many as 164 pro gamers of the E-Sports community in Bandung. Data collection used the MOGQ from Demetrovics and GASA from Lemmens. Data analysis using multiple linear regression test. The result is that gaming motives that have a significant effect on increasing addictive behavior to online games are social motives (n = 0.343), coping (n = 0.381), competition (n = 0.368), skill development (n = 0.691). While the motives that have a significant effect but reduce addictive behavior to online games are escape (n = (-0,343)), fantasy (n = (-0,351)), recreation (n = (-0,556)). The highest gaming motive is male pro gamers (mean = 80.49), and pro gamers aged 20-24 years (mean = 79.98). In line with these data, the level of addiction to online games pro gamers male sex is higher (mean = 51.80) than women (mean = 48.66).

Keywords: Gaming Motive, Online Game Addiction Behavior, Pro Gamers

Abstrak. Dampak negatif kecanduan game online adalah penurunan kualitas kesehatan juga performa kerja dan akademik, isolasi sosial maupun terganggunya kualitas tidur. Disisi berbeda, terdapat dampak positif seperti meningkatnya kemampuan bermain game dalam menyusun strategi atau taktik, terpenuhinya kebutuhan finansial, serta menambah relasi baru. Setiap perilaku manusia dipengaruhi oleh faktor motif dalam diri. Begitupun perilaku bermain game online, seseorang yang kecanduan game online diduga dipengaruhi oleh adanya motif untuk terus bermain game online atau motif gaming. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat seberapa erat pengaruh aspek motif gaming terhadap perilaku kecanduan bermain game online pada pro gamers di komunitas e-sports Bandung. Metoda yang digunakan adalah metoda kuantitatif kausalitas dengan melibatkan responden penelitian sejumlah 164 pro gamers komunitas e-sports Bandung. Pengumpulan data menggunakan alat ukur MOGQ dari Demetrovics, dan GASA dari Lemmens. Analisis data menggunakan uji regresi linear berganda. Hasilnya motif gaming yang memberikan pengaruh signifikan terhadap peningkatan perilaku kecanduan game online adalah motif social (n = 0,343), coping (n = 0,381), competition (n = 0,368), skill development (n = 0,691). Sedangkan motif yang memberikan pengaruh siginfikan namun menurunkan perilaku kecanduan game online adalah motif escape (n = (-0,343)), fantasy (n = (-0,351)), recreation (n = (-0,556)). Motif gaming paling tinggi dimiliki oleh pro gamers berjenis kelamin laki-laki (mean = 80,49), serta pro gamers berusia 20-24 tahun (mean = 79,98). Sejalan dengan data tersebut, tingkat kecanduan game online pro gamers berjenis kelamin laki-laki lebih tinggi (mean = 51,80) dibandingkan perempuan (mean = 48,66).

Kata Kunci: Motif Gaming, Perilaku Kecanduan Game Online, Pro Gamers.


Motif Gaming, Perilaku Kecanduan Game Online, Pro Gamers.

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