Studi Deskriptif Kepuasan Kerja pada Karyawan Operator Departemen Produksi PT "X"

Aisha Nurrahman, Lisa Widawati


Abstract. PT "X" is one of the pharmaceutical companies that contribute in West Java through home industry business. PT "X" is active in distributing generic drugs and traditional medicines to meet national drug needs, which are normally distributed to health centers or hospitals. PT "X" had provided all facilities to support the performance of the operator's employees. However, so far the performance shown by employees is considered not optimal. From the results of interviews, the operator's employees found two conditions felt by the operator's employees, which can be said that it is not clear about what the operator's employees feel about their work. The purpose of this study was to find out a profile description of employee job satisfaction of employees of PT "X" operators. The method used is descriptive method. The research subjects were 26 operator employees. Measurements were made based on Herzberg's theory of the two factor theory using hygiene factor and factor motivators with reliability coefficients 0.842 Based on the results of data, there were 19 people included in group A, which had a high hygiene factor and high motivator factor or 73.08% . There are 5 people including the group B keladam which has a high hygiene factor and low factor motivator or as much as 19.23%. In group C there were 2 employees who had a low hygiene factor and a high motivator factor or as much as 7.69%.

Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Herzberg Two Factor Theory


Abstrak. PT “X†merupakan salah satu perusahaan farmasi swasta yang cukup berkontribusi di Jawa Barat  melalui usaha home industry. PT “X†aktif dalam penyaluran obat generik dan obat tradisional untuk menyumplai  kebutuhan obat nasional, yang biasa didistribusikan ke puskesmas ataupun rumah sakit. PT “X†sudah memberikan segala fasilitas guna menunjang kinerja karyawan operator. Akan tetapi sejauh ini kinerja yang ditunjukan oleh karyawan dinilai belum optimal. Dari hasil wawancara, karyawan operator didapatkan adanya dua kondisi yang dirasakan oleh karyawan operator, yang dimana dapat dikatakan bahwa belum jelas mengenai apa yang dirasakan oleh karyawan operator terhadap pekerjaannya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran profil mengenai kepuasan kerja karyawan karyawan operator PT “X†. Metoda yang digunakan adalah metoda deskriptif. Subjek penelitian adalah 26 orang karyawan operator. Pengukuran dilakukan berdasarkan teori Herzberg mengenai two factor theory dengan menggunakan asepk hygiene factor dan motivator factor dengan koefisien reliabilitas 0,842 Berdasar hasil pengolahan data, Terdapat 19 orang yang termasuk dalam kelompok A, yaitu memiliki hygiene factor tinggi dan motivator factor tinggi atau sebanyak 73,08%. Terdapat 5 orang yang termasuk keladam kelompok B yaitu memiliki hygiene factor tinggi dan motivator factor rendah atau sebanyak 19,23%. Pada kelompok C terdapat 2 orang karyawan yang memiliki hygiene factor rendah dan motivator factor tinggi atau sebanyak 7,69%

Kata Kunci: Kepuasan Kerja, Herzberg Two Factor Theory


Kepuasan Kerja, Herzberg Two Factor Theory

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