Hubungan Self Efficacy Dengan Perilaku Asertif (Studi Pada Advisor Di X Store Y Mall Bandung)

Anggia Dyandini Putri, Ali Mubarak


Abstract. This research was conducted based on the phenomenon at X Store Y Mall Bandung in the Advisor section as many as 27 people. This Advisor is a qualified person because it has been filtered through the stages of the selection process and training by the company. However, there is still the behavior of Advisor not yet able to express his thoughts, feelings and behavior when working, Advisor displays behavior including reluctance to initiate action first to the Customer, reluctant to submit complaints during work and lack of personal consideration or advice to Customers who are confused about choosing items. Based on this, there is an indication of low assertiveness on the Advisor. According to Advisor, this is related to a lack of confidence and shame when serving Customers because they feel unsure of their abilities, thus making pessimists unable to meet Customer demands. Advisor is doubtful about his ability when it comes to displaying goods and making daily reports of goods stock. This indicated a low Self Efficacy on the Advisor. From this phenomenon, there is a possibility of a Self Efficacy relationship with Assertive Behavior on the Advisor at X Store Y mall Bandung. This research is a correlational research with Spearman rank correlation technique and 0.739 correlation results which means having a strong or high correlation coefficient with a positive direction which means higher Self Efficacy, the higher assertive behavior as well as vice versa, or the lower Self Efficacy, the lower assertive behavior vice versa.

Kata Kunci: Self Efficacy, Assertive Behavior, part Advisor employees


Abstrak. Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan fenomena di X Store Y Mall Bandung pada bagian Advisor sebanyak 27 orang. Advisor ini merupakan orang yang memenuhi kualifikasi karena sudah tersaring melewati tahapan proses seleksi dan training oleh perusahaan. Namun, masih terdapat perilaku Advisor belum mampu mengekspresikan pikiran, perasaan dan perilaku nya ketika bekerja, Advisor menampilkan perilaku diantaranya segan memulai  tindakan terlebih dahulu kepada Customer, enggan menyampaikan keluhan selama bekerja serta kurangnya memberikan pertimbangan pribadi atau saran pada Customer yang kebingungan memilih barang. Berdasarkan hal tersebut terdapat indikasi rendahnya perilaku asertif pada Advisor. Menurut Advisor, hal tersebut diantaranya berhubungan dengan adanya rasa kurang percaya diri dan malu ketika melayani Customer karena merasa tidak yakin akan kemampuan yang dimiliki, sehingga membuat pesimis tidak mampu memenuhi permintaan dari Customer. Advisor ragu akan kemampuannya ketika harus mendisplay barang serta membuat laporan harian stock barang. Hal tersebut diindikasikan adanya Self Efficacy yang rendah pada Advisor. Dari fenomena tersebut maka terdapat kemungkinan adanya hubungan Self Efficacy dengan Perilaku Asertif pada Advisor di X Store Y mall Bandung. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian korelasional dengan teknik korelasi rank spearman dan hasil korelasi 0,739 yang berarti memiliki koefisien korelasi yang kuat atau tinggi dengan arah positif yang berarti semakin tinggi Self Efficacy maka semakin tinggi Perilaku Asertif begitupun sebaliknya, atau semakin rendah Self Efficacy maka semakin rendah Perilaku Asertif begitupun sebaliknya.

Keywords: Self Efficacy, Perilaku Asertif, karyawan bagian Advisor


Self Efficacy, Perilaku Asertif, karyawan bagian Advisor

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