Hubungan Antara Self-Esteem dengan Subjective Well-Being pada Ibu dari Anak dengan Tunagrahita di SLB-BC Nike Ardilla Kota Bandung

Andre Kurniawan Saputra, Makmuroh Sri Rahayu, Andhita Nurul Khasanah


Abstract. The presence of a child is a dream for every parent, whose hope is perfectly born, physically and mentally. But there are parents who have a mentally retarded child. It makes it difficult for parents to accept their presence and even decrease Self-Esteem. The high and low Self-Esteem determines the Subjective Well-Being. So it can be said that the decrease in Self-Esteem will also reduce Subjective Well-Being. But in SLB-BC Nike Ardilla found mothers who showed characteristics that indicated high Self-Esteem and high Subjective Well-Being. Therefore, the formulation of the problem in this study is "how closely the relationship between Self-Esteem and Subjective Well-Being in the mother of children with mental retardation in SLB-BC Nike Ardilla Bandung?". The purpose of this study was to determine how closely the relationship between Self-Esteem and Subjective Well-Being in mothers of children with mental retardation in SLB-BC Nike Ardilla Bandung. The research hypothesis the higher the Self-Esteem, the higher the life satisfaction, the higher the Self-Esteem, the higher the positive affect, the higher the Self-Esteem, the lower the negative affect. The Self-Esteem Theory of Coopersmith and The Well-Being Subjective Theory of the Diener. Data collection method used in this research is questionnaire. Subjects in this study were 26 mothers who had children with tunagrahita. The analysis technique in this study uses Rank Spearman test. Self-Esteem correlation results with Subjective Well-Being which includes life satisfaction of rs: 0.749. Self-Esteem with positive affect of rs: 0.669 and Self-Esteem with a negative affect of rs: -0.582. Showing that there is a close relationship between Self-Esteem and life satisfaction and positive affect and the relationship is strong enough with negative affect

Keywords: Self-Esteem, Subjective Well-Being, Mental Retardation

Abstrak. Kehadiran anak merupakan dambaan bagi setiap orangtua, yang harapannya lahir dengan sempurna, secara fisik dan mental. Namun terdapat orangtua yang dikarunai anak tunagrahita. Membuat orangtua sulit menerima kehadirannya bahkan penurunan Self-Esteem. Tinggi rendahnya Self-Esteem ini menentukan Subjective Well-Being. Maka dapat dikatakan penurunan Self-Esteem akan menurunkan juga Subjective Well-Being. Namun pada SLB-BC Nike Ardilla ditemukan para ibu yang menunjukan karakterinstik yang mengindikasikan Self-Esteem yang tinggi dan juga Subjective Well-Being yang tinggi. Oleh karenanya, perumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah “seberapa erat hubungan antara Self-Esteem dengan Subjective Well-Being pada ibu dari anak dengan Tunagrahita di SLB-BC Nike Ardilla Kota Bandung ?â€. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa erat hubungan antara Self-Esteem dengan Subjective Well-Being pada ibu dari anak dengan tunagrahita di SLB-BC Nike Ardilla Kota Bandung. Hipotesis penelitian semakin tinggi Self-Esteem maka semakin tinggi kepuasan hidup, semakin tinggi Self-Esteem maka semakin tinggi afek positif, semakin tinggi Self-Esteem maka semakin rendah afek negatif.  Teori yang digunakan adalah Self-Esteem dari Coopersmith dan Teori Subjective Well-Being dari Diener. Metode pengumpulan data adalah kuesioner. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah 26 ibu yang memiliki anak tunagrahita. Teknik analisis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan uji Rank Spearman. Hasil korelasi Self-Esteem dengan Subjective Well-Being yang meliputi life satisfaction sebesar rs :0.749. Self-Esteem dengan afek positif sebesar rs : 0.669 dan Self-Esteem dengan afek negative sebesar rs : -0.582. Menunjukan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang erat antara Self-Esteem dengan life satisfaction dan afek positif dan hubungan cukup kuat dengan afek negatif.

Kata Kunci: Self-Esteem, Subjective Well-Being, Tunagrahita


Self-Esteem, Subjective Well-Being, Tunagrahita

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