The Economic Study Plan For Mining Sirtu in Block Cilopang PT. Banyu Alam Artha, Rancabango Village, District Tarrogong Kaler, Garut District, West Java

Norman Adi Pamungkas, Sri Widayati, Maryanto Maryanto


Study sirtu economical mining plan based on the technical design data that have been made, resulting in the determination of the cost will be considered by the employer. Components or factors making up the assessment event economical mining gravel in terms of the economy such as the determination of the cost of investment and production costs, revenue from the sale of products, the calculation of cash flow, discounted rate of return or internal rate of return, net present value, payback period and sensitive analysis. The sensitivity analysis is a technique for evaluating the impact of investment uncertainty and determine how the level of profitability will vary due to changes in the sensitivity parameter. The results of the sensitivity analysis will determine the parameters - parameters of investment significantly affect a project. A sensitivity analysis will provide a positive effect and in anticipation of the company to find a result that occurs from changes in the parameters - parameters selling prices and production costs to changes in production systems performance in generating profits. From the results of the economic study on gravel mining in Banyu Alam PT. Artha, Rancabango Village, District Tarrogong Kaler, Garut regency, West Java province with the mining license area measuring 30 hectares have capital costs (capital cost) of Rp 42,535,015,393 which is filled with a capital alone without any loan to the Bank. With an interest rate of 11% was obtained Net Present Value (NPV) of Rp 59,973,500,890, Discounted Cash Flow Rate of Return (DCFROR) or Internal Rate of Return (IRR) obtained amounted to 47.16%. Payback period or payback period (PBP) of the calculation results obtained during 1.99 years or 2 years. Banyu Alam PT.. Artha economically insensitive to changes in selling prices and production costs. With a selling price fell by 29% and changes in production costs rose by 53% from the original price, they generate a positive NPV and IRR.


Production Costs, Income, Cash Flow, IRR, NPV, PBP, Analysis Sensitivitas


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