Kajian Pengaruh Keberadaan Sesar terhadap Pola Aliran dan Kualitas Fisik Airtanah Tidak Tertekan di Cekungan Bandung Timur Kabupaten Bandung, Provinsi Jawa Barat

Syahrir Mardani Saputra Bahba, Yunus Ashari, Dudi Nasrudin Usman


This research was conducted with the aim to analyze the effect of the existence of fault on the condition of unsuppressed groundwater flow and the physical quality of groundwater in parts of East Bandung Basin. Groundwater sampling is done by measuring a variable number of physical properties of groundwater (temperature, pH, Eh, EC and TDS). Since the measured data are many and each has a distinct variability, and in order to get valid conclusion, this research uses a statistical method to help describe the condition of the groundwater at the sites. Selection of data for analysis of physical properties of groundwater conducted by the variable sample being measured. In addition, the application of statistical analysis must meet the requirements of normality. Normality test prove useful to the analyzed data derived from normal distributed of sample populations.Analysis is intended to determine the relationship of proximity(proximity) and similarity (similarity) between samples in order to obtain initial information and interpretation of the variable type and characteristics of the population of test data sets of physical properties of groundwater . Principal component analysis was used to determine the relationship between the variables in the model approach dominant and analytical research. To obtain the evidence of the average difference of  between-population’s content variables, a t-test independent by group is perfomed.While the t-test,independent by variable is intended to test the average difference between individual species concentrations of each group. The method of statistical analysis is done by application software  of  SPSS(StatisticalProduct and ServiceSolutions).The results of research at the site shows that the direction of unsuppressed groundwater flows from high areas to the plain areas of the region. The influence of the existence of fault on the condition of unsuppressed groundwater at the study site in terms of the physical properties of groundwater we tested are as follows: (1) Fault Tanjungsari which allegedly directed almost northeast-southwest  is able to form a zone of destruction that separates the system aquifer of unsuppressed groundwater  and causing the process of dissolving substances and (2) at the study site it is suspected there is a north-south trending lineaments that cut the hills in Cikancung - Cimanggung. This fault is suspected to create compartments which separate aquifer system and resulting the differences in physical properties of groundwater in the aquifer system and the same formation.

Lokasi penelitian terletak di Cekungan airtanah Bandung bagian timur. Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh keberadaan sesar terhadap kondisi aliran airtanah tidak tertekan dan kualitas fisik airtanah Cekungan Bandung bagian Timur. Pada saat pengambilan sampel airtanah dilakukan pengukuran sejumlah variabelsifat fisikairtanah (temperatur, pH, Eh, EC dan TDS). Karena data yang diukur cukup banyak dan masing-masing memiliki variabilitas yang berbeda, dan agar diperoleh kesimpulan yang sahih (valid), maka metode statistik digunakan untuk membantu menjelaskan kondisiairtanah di lokasi penelitian. Seleksi data untuk analisis sifat fisik airtanah dilakukan berdasarkan variabel sampel yang diukur. Di samping itu, penerapan analisis statistikharus memenuhi persyaratan normalitas data. Uji normalitas berguna untuk membuktikan data yang dianalisis berasal dari populasi sampel berdistribusi normal. Analisis klaster dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui hubungan kedekatan (proximity) dan kemiripan (similarity) antar sampel, agar dapat diperolehnya informasi awal dan interpretasi jenis variabel dan karakteristik populasi dari kelompok data pengujian sifat fisik airtanah. Analisis Komponen Utama digunakanuntuk menentukan keterkaitan antara variabel-variabel yang dominan dan dalam pendekatan model penelitian analitik. Untuk mendapatkan bukti perbedaan nilai kandungan rata-rata variabel antarpopulasi, dilakukan Uji t-test independent by group. Sedangkan uji t-test, independent by variable, dimaksudkan untuk menguji perbedaan rata-rata konsentrasi spesies antarindividu masing-masing kelompok. Metoda analisis statistika ini dilakukan dengan perangkat lunak terapan SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions). Dari hasil penelitian dapat dikatahui pada lokasi penelitian, arah aliran airtanah tidak tertekan umumnya mengalir dari daerah tinggian menuju kawasan pedataran. Pengaruh keberadaan sesar terhadap kondisi airtanah tidak tertekan di lokasi penelitian, ditinjau dari sifat fisik airtanah yang diuji adalah sebagai berikut: (1) Sesar Tanjungsari diduga berarah hampir timurlaut-baratdaya dan mampu membentuk zona hancuran yang memisahkan sistem akuifer airtanah tidak tertekan, serta mengakibatkan terjadinya proses pengayaan zat terlarut dan (2) Pada lokasi penelitian diduga terdapat sebuah kelurusan berarah utara-selatan yang memotong perbukitan di Cikancung – Cimanggung. Sesar ini diduga menciptakan kompartemen yang mampu memisahkan sistem akuifer mengakibatkan adanya perbedaan sifat fisik airtanah pada satu sistem akuifer dan formasi yang sama.



Unsuppressed Physical Groundwater, Unsuppressed Aquifer System, East Bandung Basin Groundwater, Quality of Unsuppressed Groundwater


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/pertambangan.v0i0.5598

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