Biaya Rencana Reklamasi Gunung Sari sebagai Kawasan Budidaya Pertanian PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk. Plant-9 dan Plant-10 Palimanan-Cirebon, Jawa Barat

Ghita Noerma Guphita, Sri Widayati, A. Machali Muchsin


Abstract. The mining industry, mineral industry in particular is growing in line with development in Indonesia. The development of the mining industry lead to some negative impacts one of which is the change of environment. Mitigate the impact of the reclamation becomes a very important thing to do. Therefore, the cost of reclamation plan study is needed to support the implementation of the planned reclamation.In this research activities, carried out the calculation of the components of direct costs and indirect costs of the reclamation activities.Direct costs include the cost of land use and cost of revegetation, while indirect costs include the costs of reclamation planning and supervision costs. The calculation of the cost components is done so that the use of reclamation guarantees that have been provided by the company can be used appropriately in order.Based on these calculations, the direct cost estimates obtained to carry out land reclamation area of 1.5 ha is IDR 276.343.300,- with details of land arrangement fee of IDR 22.268.300,- the cost of purchasing topsoil IDR 187.500.000,- the cost of quality analysis ground IDR 1.800.000,- LCC planting costs IDR 6.950.000,-  the cost of staple crops IDR 51.240.000,- fertilizer costs IDR 4.680.000,- and maintenance costs of staple crops IDR 1.905.000,-. As for the estimated indirect cost is IDR 27.634.350,- with details of reclamation planning costs (7% of direct costs) amounting to IDR 19.344.050,- and the cost of supervision (3% of direct costs) of IDR 8.290.300,-. So based component costs have been factored in, the cost of the reclamation Gunung Sari as aagricultural cultivation IDR 303.977.650,-. The mining industry, mineral industry in particular is growing in line with development in Indonesia. The development of the mining industry lead to some negative impacts one of which is the change of environment. Mitigate the impact of the reclamation becomes a very important thing to do. Therefore, the cost of reclamation plan study is needed to support the implementation of the planned reclamation.In this research activities, carried out the calculation of the components of direct costs and indirect costs of the reclamation activities.Direct costs include the cost of land use and cost of revegetation, while indirect costs include the costs of reclamation planning and supervision costs. The calculation of the cost components is done so that the use of reclamation guarantees that have been provided by the company can be used appropriately in order.Based on these calculations, the direct cost estimates obtained to carry out land reclamation area of 1.5 ha is IDR 276.343.300,- with details of land arrangement fee of IDR 22.268.300,- the cost of purchasing topsoil IDR 187.500.000,- the cost of quality analysis ground IDR 1.800.000,- LCC planting costs IDR 6.950.000,-  the cost of staple crops IDR 51.240.000,- fertilizer costs IDR 4.680.000,- and maintenance costs of staple crops IDR 1.905.000,-. As for the estimated indirect cost is IDR 27.634.350,- with details of reclamation planning costs (7% of direct costs) amounting to IDR 19.344.050,- and the cost of supervision (3% of direct costs) of IDR 8.290.300,-. So based component costs have been factored in, the cost of the reclamation Gunung Sari as aagricultural cultivation IDR 303.977.650,-.

Abstrak. Industri pertambangan khususnya bahan galian industri semakin berkembang seiring dengan perkembangan pembangunan di Indonesia. Berkembangnya sektor industri pertambangan tersebut menimbulkan beberapa dampak negatif salah satunya adalah terjadinya perubahan lingkungan. Untuk menanggulangi dampak tersebut, kegiatan reklamasi menjadi hal yang sangat penting untuk dilakukan. Oleh karena itu, kajian rencana biaya reklamasi sangat diperlukan guna menunjang pelaksanaan reklamasi yang telah direncanakan.Dalam kegiatan penelitian ini, dilakukan perhitungan terhadap komponen biaya langsung dan biaya tidak langsung kegiatan rencana reklamasi. Biaya langsung meliputi biaya penatagunaan lahan dan biaya revegetasi, sedangkan biaya tidak langsung meliputi biaya perencanaan reklamasi, serta biaya supervisi. Perhitungan  komponen biaya tersebut dilakukan agar penggunaan jaminan reklamasi yang telah disediakan perusahaan dapat digunakan secara tepat guna. Berdasarkan perhitungan tersebut, didapatkan perkiraan biaya langsung untuk melaksanakan reklamasi lahan seluas 1,5 Ha adalah sebesar Rp 276.343.300,- dengan rincian biaya penataan lahan sebesar Rp 22.268.300,- biaya pembelian tanah pucuk Rp 187.500.000,- biaya analisa kualitas tanah Rp 1.800.000,- biaya penanaman LCC Rp 6.950.000,- biaya penanaman tanaman pokok Rp 51.240.000,- biaya pemupukan Rp 4.680.000,- dan biaya pemeliharaan tanaman pokok Rp 1.905.000,-. Adapun perkiraan biaya tidak langsung adalah sebesar Rp 27.634.350,- dengan rincian biaya perencanaan reklamasi (7% dari biaya langsung) sebesar Rp 19.344.050,-. dan biaya supervisi (3% dari biaya langsung) sebesar Rp 8.290.300,-. Sehingga berdasarkan komponen biaya yang telah diperhitungkan, besar biaya rencana reklamasi Gunung Sari sebagai kawasan budidaya pertanian sebesar Rp 303.977.650,-


Cost Reclamation Plan, Direct Cost, Indirect Cost, Total Cost of Reclamation Plan.


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