Groundwater Potential Study In The Majalengka Regency, Kertajati District, To Support Water Needs At West Java International Airport (BIJB) And Kertajati Aerocity

lloyd musa gemulus, Yunus Ashari, Dudi Nasrudin


Ten villages in the Majalengka Regency, Kertajati District, designated as
the West Java International Airport (BIJB) Provincial Strategic Area (KSP) and
Kertajati Aerocity. In line with that determination, the needs of water become very
important. To support the needs of water, this research had been conducted to
determine how much potential of the groundwater.
At the study location, data retrieval has been conducted, divided into
primary data and secondary data. The secondary data had been retrieved were 13
drill log data, and 12 pumping test data. The primary data has been retrieved were
outcrop data, the water table measurements (piezometric head) and the
groundwater physical measurements: temperature, pH, electrical conductivity (DHL)
and Total Dissolved Solid (TDS).
Ooutcrop data processing conducted to determine the geological
conditions at the research location. Water table measurements conducted to find out
how much the damage of groundwater condition and to determine flow directions of
groundwater at the study location. Drill log data processing conducted to find out
how the Aquifer System at the study location. The physical data processing
conducted to determine the groundwater quality at the study location. And to the
potential of groundwater flow that flowing into the study area is calculated by the
Darcy Equation (PLG, 2008).
The results of data processing indicated that the geology at the study area
is composed of volcanic and alluvial sediments, part of coarse fraction acts as a
water carrier. Aquifer system consisting of unconfined aquifers (8-18 m), semiconfined
aquifer and confined aquifer (> 30 m) . The decreased water table damage
decline included Into safe level, namely the water table decline < 40 % . Criteria
quality decline of groundwater through TDS parameters and DHL including into safe
groundwater category conditions. Using Darcy equation Q =T.i.L groundwater
potential in the region BIJB development and Kertajati Aerocity is amounting to
22156.57 M³/day or 8,087,149.79 M³/year, which consists differences 8.27% of total
flow in the safe zone conservation and amounted to 91.73% flowing conservation in
recharge zone. Groundwater potential at research sites only able supplies water for
16.37 % of the total needs for water in BIJB development and Kertajati Aerocity in
2020 is equal to 45.2 million m³ / year.


Groundwater, Water table (piezometric head), Aquifer.


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