Economic Design For Production Of 50.000 Tonnes / Month In Andesite Mining PT. Baraya Inti Bumi Plered Site Purwakarta Regency West Java Province

Sugito prayogi, Sri Widayati, Dono Guntoro


Mining industry very requires a good planning so that mining able to yield
production which has been determined with as possible as cheap cost and can yield
cash flow which will optimize some economic criterions like rate of return net present
value and sensitive analysis.
Determination mine planning of andesite quarry evaluation seen from
economics aspect based from technical planning which has been made, so that in
determination of cost released very considered by the side of company. Component or
activity compiler factor mine planning of andesite quarry evaluation seen from
economics aspect is determination of costs, earnings of product sales revenue,
calculation cash flow, discounted rate of return or Internal rate of return, net present
value, pay back period and sensitive analysis.
From result of andesite quarry economics scheme which has been made for PT.
Baraya Inti Bumi, Plered Site Purwakarta Regency West Java Province with mining
power region of 48,77 Ha, obtained for unitral investment of company is added by
working capital during 1 years of releasing cost Rp. 61,010,000,000.- with fulfilled by
self working capital and borrows to the Bank with percentage 40% self working capital
and 60% borrows to the Bank. With rate of interest a minimum of equal to 10%, Net
present value (NPV) gotten Rp. 277,845,636,953.- Internal Rate of Return (IRR) gotten
42%. For pay back period (PBP) from result of calculation gotten by 2.39 years.


Industri Pertambangan


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