Analysis Of Benefits Of Pt Aneka Tambang Tbk. UBPE Pongkor On The Economic Development Of West Java Province

Fathul Jannah, Ukar Wijaya Soelistijo, Sri Widayati


Gold mineral mining activity which engaged by PT Aneka Tambang Tbk.
UBPE Pongkor is one of the biggest underground mining in Java Island which
produced more than 382,328 WMT gold ore with 1,723 kg of gold and 14,972 kg of
silver by year 2013. PT Aneka Tambang Tbk. UPBE Pongkor has given much
positive contributions to West Java Province economy. The benefit that the
company has given can be in the forms of direct benefits like contribution on GRDP
and multiplying effect while indirect benefits can be in the forms of externality more
like backward linkages, forward linkages, the final demand, technological linkages,
fiscal linkages. One of many indicators that used in measuring of economic growth
in a region is Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP). This research showed
that as 2003-2013 period, sector of gold and silver mining has only given between
0.04%-0.15% contribution to the total Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) in
West Java Province. Based on Analysis of Classification sector 13x13 I-O model,
forward and backward linkages for gold and silver mining sector are 0.701 and
0.772. If it is looked at upstream sectors, gold and silver mining does not have a lot
of linkages to the upstream and small transaction value, however if it is looked at
downstream sectors, gold and silver mining also does not have a lot of linkages to
the downstream, but the transaction value that is obtained quite much as IDR 110
billion for base metal industry and finished goods of metal along with IDR 736 billion
for another processing plants
Based on analysis of Net Social Gain (NSG), the benefits of social-economy
of PT Aneka Tambang Tbk. UBPE Pongkor to West Java Province varies, however
it will increase year by year. The number of NSG from 2009-2013 was IDR
20,187,405,485 at 2009 up to IDR 35,440,303,160 at 2013. Net Gain Coefficient
(NGC) for each year is obtained from 6,06% at 2010 up to 34,89% at 2013. The LQ
value for general mining or even gold and silver mining has small number of below 1
(LQ<1). It indicates that management of those sectors have not been optimal yet.
If it is looked at Multiplier Surplus, the most potential priority sectors to be
developed exist on the secondary sectors (Food and Baverage Industry), tertiary
sectors (Tourism Industry), and primary sectors (Agro-Industry and Center for
Education and Training of Mineral and Coal). Productivity optimization of economic
sectors can suggest for community development program of PT Aneka Tambang
Tbk. UBPE Pongkor so as to produce good surplus for economic development of
West Java Province.


GRDP, NSG, NGC, Surplus, Comodity Development, Linkages, LQ, Economic Multiplier.


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