Technical Reclamationcost Calculation Analysis In Coal Mining In PT. Andalas Bara Sejahteraon Merapi, Lahat, South Sumatera

subrata subrata subrata, Chusharini Chamid, Dono Guntoro


Coal mining activity is one kind of open pit mining that cause changes in
earth’s landscape and landform. Reclamation is needed in order to restore earth
shapes, thus can be used by local people. Therefore, government issued a
regulation (PP 78, 2010). In the regulation, it is stated that every mining company
must conduct a reclamation.
Based on PT. Andalas Bara Sejahtera’s reclamation plan, a freshwater fish
pond will be made plus a tree rubber cultivation from RL-88 – RL-66 in KDP pit area,
also analbizia tree on NAL area, with a 4 x 4 m of row spacing distance for tree
rubber and 3 x 4 m for albizia tree.
Rubber tree will cover 3,6 ha consists of : KDP pit, topsoil, and disposal
area. Albizia will cover 1,79 ha consists of : NAL disposal and topsoil area. Thus, the
total area to be covered is 5,4263 ha.
The reclamation costs needed for reclamation activities (disposal area Nal,
Topsoil NAL, Pit KDP, Disposal KDP, Topsoil KDP) PT. Andalas Bara Sejahtera
devided into two parts : Direct and indirect costs. For direct costs include
revegetation needed costs Rp 281.178.250,- and costs recountouring Rp.
1.536.606.600,-. While indirect cost includes royaly fee, mobilitation and
demobilitation and supervision needed cost Rp 227.223.105,-. Therefore, the total
cost is Rp2.045.007.955,-, where cost for 5,4 ha of reclamation area that spent by
PT. Andalas Bara Sejahtera on 2014 is Rp 378.705.177


reclamation, direct and indirect costs


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