Evaluation Productivity Of Work Tool Excavation - Unloading And Transport On Coal Mining In East Mine PIT 3 West Banko PT Bukit Asam (Persero) Tbk District Lawang Kidul, District Muara Enim, South Sumatra Province

Hendy Prasetia, Zaenal Zaenal, Dono Guntoro


An overview on the field to find out the working time, road conditions, factors
affecting the productivity of mechanical devices, as well as the match factor of work
tool excavation - unloading and transport.
Boundary problem is limited to the achievement of the target of production
per month by work tool excavation - unloading and transport, in this case work tool
excavation - unloading and transport used Volvo EC 460 BLC Excavator with
capacity of 2.5 BCM and Dump Truck Nissan CWB DT 45 with a capacity of 19.3
BCM. Actual productivity tools of work tool excavation - unloading is 93230,94 tons /
month and for conveyance is 93206,87 tons / month. In the process, the means of
conveyance which consists of 5 units with charging as much as 8 times to meet one
unit of transport equipment, has yet to meet the target production of 100,000 tons.
In an effort achieve production targets, it conducted technical evaluations,
improvement of work efficiency work tool excavation - unloading by 51,79 % to
55,93 %, while of work tool transport of 66,31 % to 71,58 % and increasing the
conveyance capacity to 9 times charging, From the results of improvements based
on actual conditions in the field, then obtained the productivity of coal mining for
excavator - unloading of 100.674,08 tons / month and work tool transport of
119.925,12 tons / month.


Work Efficiency, Target of Production, Productivity.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/pertambangan.v0i0.2814

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