An Analysis Of Bucket Wheel Excavator (BWE) In Reaching Over Burden Production Target At PT Bukit Asam (Persero) Tbk Tanjung Enim Mining Unit (Upte) Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatera Province

Tito Permato Pramono, Zaenal Zaenal, A. Machali Muchsin


PT Bukit Asam (PTBA) that is in the field of Coal mining is located in Tanjung
Enim Village, Lawang Kidul subdistrict, Muara Enim regency, South Sumatera
Province. The production target of PTBA is 372.000 BCM/month in August and
352.500 BCM/month in September. Mechanical equipment used consists of two
bucket wheel excavators, two belt wagons, Two cable rair cars, two hooper cars,
and a Spreader. By using those tools, the production target in August had been
reached, meanwhile, in September, the production target could not be reached.
Therefore, this study finds out solutions to reach the production target in September.
Factors influenced coal loading and conveyance in production are as follows:
filling factors, bucket wheel circle time and spills, downtime and work efficiency.
From the observation, it is revealed that the speed of a circle wheel is 12,27
seconds so the spill amount in a minute is 69 times. With 31,16% work efficiency of
BWE 203 and 30,83% for BWE 205, in August, the production target was 426.281
BCM/month. Meanwhile, in September, the work efficiency was 20,16% for BWE
203 and 30,69% for BWE 205, so the production target was 338.396 BCM/month.
In order to increase the production result, it is important to improve the work
efficiency by minimizing barriers in the field. The results showed that 34,21% work
efficiency for BWE 203 and 33,64% for BWE 205 in August with 466.578,32
BCM/month achievement. Meanwhile, in September, it resulted that the work
efficiency was 21,13% for BWE 203 and 32,27 for BWE 205, so that the production
achievement was 355.384,19 BCM/month.


BWE, Productivity, Target


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