Analysis Of Comparison Between Normal Conditions With Direct To The Sump Pumping Conditions Discharge Of Ball Mill Underflow Fines For Increase Efficient Milling In PT Antam Tbk Ubpe Pongkor, Bogor District, West Java

Muhamad Yusuf, Sri Widayati, Solihin Solihin


Research of analysis between normal conditionand sump pumping
condition discharge ball mill of fines thickener underflow to inprove milling efficiency
in PT Antam Tbk. UBPE Pongkor. This study aims to determine the effectiveness
and efficiency of milling by addressing the fine fraction which in the -200 mesh fines
thickener underflow manner directly to the sump pump discharge ball mill.
These result show that the pumping process directly more efficient and
effective because it doesn’t feed originating from the underflow fines thickener does
not require grinding in a ball mill because of the number of fractions and
smoothness up to 40% where the result show the percent solid decrease in
discharge ball mill amounted to 12.81% source crushing as well as the crushing and
st 12 in 10.05%. Mill cyclone overflow was also decrease in percent solid with a
source of crushing 3.33% and crushing and st 12 in 0.98%. Underflow mill cyclone
in creased from crushing sources as well as from crushing 0.19% and st 12 in
The fine fraction has decreased in the discharge ball mill sourced from
crushing 5.64% and from a mix of crushing and st 12 in 4.25%, in the sump
discharge ball mill increased by 5.72% sourced crushing and 8.80% sourced from a
mix of crushing and st 12, on overflow mill cyclone increased the fine fraction
derived from crushing in 2.08% and a mix of crushing and st 12 in 4.41%, and the
underflow mill cyclone has decreased the fine fraction of 0.02% for sourced from
crushing in 1.08% of the mixture of crushing and st 12. As well as the circulating
load decreased after pumping process in carried directly to the source of 56.61%
reduced crushing. Crushing and st 12 is reduced by 90.76%.


Percent Solid, Smooth Undersize -200 mesh fraction, Circulating Load, Crushing, Station 12.


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