Effort To Reduce Cost Of Repair And Maintenance Crawler Excavator Dump Truck And Rock Drill (CRD) Equipments In Andesite Mine Pt Mandiri Sejahtera Sentra At Sukamulya Village Tegalwaru Subdistrict Purwakarta District West Java Province

Prahara Abdul Hayyu, Sri Widayati, Zaenal Zaenal


This research was conducted in Tegalwaru Subdistrict Purwakarta District West
Java Province, to check out repair and maintenance cost of heavy equipment.
The develop problem in this research is the cost that must be paid by PT Mandiri
Sejahtera Sentra for repair and maintenance of heavy equipment (excavators, dump
trucks, crawler rock drill) is always over budget in every month. There are so many factors
that affect the problem such as, lack of control while mining activities are in progress, lack
of maintenance activities before it conducting mining activities, and could also because
of negligence of heavy equipment operator.
Study of expenses calculation to repair and maintenance in each month done by
looking at mining activities in field and see the activity is according to SOP of devices
operation, or not. So the problem in this research can be predicted whether due to poor
devices operation or due to aging of spare part itself.
This research can recommends PT Mandiri Sejahtera Sentra in order to conduct
preventive activities (preventive manintenance) to press the expenses cost for repair and
maintenance in every month, because by doing prevention activities costs for repair and
maintenance result could reduce the cost that is large enough for excavator from
59.127.643 IDR/month up to 9.827.350 IDR/month or about 84% of costs incurred, for
dump truck from 65.622.267 IDR/month up to 43.748.178 IDR/month or about 15% of the
usual costs incurred, and for CRD from 53.123.233 IDR/month can reduce the cost from
28.643.002 IDR/month or about 46%.


Purchase of Spare Part (Utilities), SOP Device Operation


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/pertambangan.v0i0.2421

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