The Educational Implications of the Holy Quran, Surah Al-Qiyamah Verses 16-19, Towards Ethical Studying the Holy Quran

meitri nursri wahyuni


the Holy Quran and Al-Hadith are the two sources of Islamic teachings. Everything about life and life has set in them. The Holy Quran is the words of Allah as a miracle of the Prophet Muhammad that were written in the Mushaf, narrated by mutawatir way. Reading it is considered as ibadah. Therefore, Muslims are obliged to learn the Holy Quran and teach it to theior fellow Muslims. The verses 16-19 of Surah Al-Qiyamah of the Holy Quran speak of the prohibitions of Allah. Rasulullaaah (PBUH) were unhurried in control of the Holy Quran when the revelation was given so that the Messenger of God (PBUH) preceded Angel Gabriel by a text. Allah SWT guarantee that he (PBUH) would collect the Holy Quran in his chest and explained the revelation. The purpose of this study are to obtain a picture of the opinions of the commentators on the contents of Verses 16-19 of Surah Al-Qiyamah of the Holy Quran; to obtain the essences of the content of the verses; to gain an overview of education experts’ opinions on the ethics of studying the Holy Quran; to obtain educational implications of the Verses about the ethics of studying the Holy Quran. This research used descriptive method by collecting data and information that already exists or has happened with the study of literature. The research activities are carried out by in-depth reviewing the various interpretations and books related to the subjects under study. The essence of the verses are that (1) there should not be hasty in the study of the Holy Quran when the learning is ongoing; (2) the teacher should not be interrupted during the lesson; (3) Muslims must be convinced that Allah SWT guarantees that He will make the Holy Quran easy to be memorized and explain its meaning. Based on the analysis of the essence of the ethics of studying the Holy Quran, there are some educational implications. (1) Teachers should know and understand the steps and learn the principles of the Holy Quran. (2) Teachers should master and understand the character of the students. (3) Students should calm and tartil in studying the Holy Quran. (4) Students should demonstrate attention and high concentration. (5) Student must have a strong will and determination in mastering the Holy Quran.


Ethics of Learning



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