The Educational Effort in Avoiding Pluralism (The Analysis of Verses 116-117 of Surah Al-An'am of the Holy Quran)

Ahmad Badrudin Taufik


The Holy Quran is the source of sciences in the world, whether related to legal, health, geography, astronomical, faith, monotheism, morality, and so forth. In the Holy Quran, Allah mentions matters related to human life in thinking, behaving, and acting. Religious pluralism is the result of efforts to provide a basis for Christian theology that tolerates non-Christian religions. In addition, it is an element in a modernization or liberalism of religion. The adherents of the pluralists assert that all religions generally give way of salvation for humankind and all contain religious truth. Pluralism in Islam is a challenge for the followers of Islam. Forms of pluralism in Islam that is mostly in persons who exist in this earth will only mislead Muslims. The pluralists bases only on the allegation or suspicion and do not put the Holy Quran and the Hadith as sources of law. The purposes of this study are (1) to know the contents of the Holy Quran according to the mufassir; (2) the essence of Verses 116-117 of Surah Al-An'am of the Holy Quran; (3) the Education Specialist opinions about Pluralism; (4) Understand kinds of pluralism that should be avoided by Muslims; (5) measures can be drawn from the verses in avoiding pluralism. The method was descriptive method, which is an effort to collect data focused on solving the existing and arising in the present. The research techniques employed the book survey, by reading, understanding, analyzing, interpreting, and compiling sources from various books. Based on the opinion of commentators, the data were then analyzed and summarized as alternatives to solve the problem. From the research, it can be concluded that the content of the verses 116-117 of Surah Al-An'am of the Quran mentions that Allah has prohibited the Muslims to follow most humans, as most people who live in this earth will lead Muslims astray from the Path of Allah SWT. Most people who live in this earth only base their faith on suspicion or conjecture, not on the Quran and Hadith. Allah knows best anyone who has been strayed from His Path and who get directives. Results summary of the commentators generated some essences. Muslims firm establishment in truth, does not follow the majority of people who would mislead and only based on the allegation or suspicion alone, because Allah almighty knows anyone who get a clue. The implications contained in the verses are that (1) every Muslim should be back to the true doctrine; (2) every Muslim should deepen their knowledge of the Quran and Hadith; (3) uswah is the Prophet Muhammad. On the issue of education, educators should have the properties and simultaneously implement the things that exist in the Qur'an because educators are central figures in the learning process.


Education, Pluralism


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