The Educational Values of Verses 24-25 of Surah Ibrahim and Verse 29 of Surah Al-Fath on the Parable of the Nature of Tree in the Virtue Formation Process

Dinan Aghniya


The Holy Quran and the Hadith are the two sources of Islamic teachings, where everything about life and living has been arranged therein. In delivering the teaching, The Holy Quran uses a variety of methods. A method has a very important position to reach its purposes in the spread of Islam because the method is a one way teaching to explain the essence of Islam contained in the Holy Quran and the Hadith that can be understood by humans. One method used is the method of parable. One of the parables that God created is contained in Verses 24-25 of Surah Ibrahim and Verse 29 of Surah Al-Fath of the Holy Quran on the nature of the tree. This research attempts to reveal the parable of the nature of tree in the moral formation of believers, which corresponds to Verses 24-25 of Surah Ibrahim and Verse 29 of Surah Al-Fath.


24-25 of Surah Ibrahim, Virtue Education


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