Hubungan Electronic Word Of Mouth di Media Sosial Ulasan Google dengan Minat Beli Konsumen

Muhammad Fadil, Udung Noor Rosyad


Abstract. In line with the growth and evolution of the internet, electronic word of mouth has become an important phenomenon. The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is a relationship between electronic word of mouth on social media Google Reviews with buying interest in Brocode Barbershop Bandung consumers. This study uses a quantitative approach. The population of this research is @brocodebarber Instagram’s followers @brocodebarber and the sample is 108 respondents where the whole respondent has never used the services of the Barbershop Brocode before. The data is collected by using questionnaire and analyze by using Rank Spearman correlation to know whether there is a relationship between these variables.The overall results of this research indicate that buying interest is determined by eight dimensions of electronic word of mouth: platform assistance, concern for others, economic incentives, helping the company, expressing positive emotions, venting negative feelings, social benefits, and advice seeking. There is a relationship between electronic word of mouth on social media Google Reviews with the consumer buying interest of Brocode Barbershop consumers.

Keywords: Electronic Word of Mouth, Social Media, Google Review, Buying Interest


Abstrak. Seiring dengan pertumbuhan dan evolusi internet, electronic word of mouth telah menjadi fenomena yang penting. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mencari tau apakah terdapat hubungan antara elecetronic word of mouth di media sosial Ulasan Google dengan minat beli konsumen Brocode Barbershop Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah followers instagram @brocodebarber dan sampelnya berjumlah 108 responden dimana keseleruhuan responden ini belum pernah menggunakan jasa Brocode Barbershop sebelumnya. Teknik pengumpulan data dari penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner dengan menggunakan uji korelasi Rank Spearman untuk menguji apakah ada hubungan antara variabel-variabel tersebut. Keseluruhan hasil dari penelitiian ini menunjukkan bahwa minat beli ditentukan oleh delapan dimensi electronic word of mouth, yaitu platform assistance, concern for other, economic insentive, helping the company, expressing positive emotions, venting negative feelings, social benefit, dan advice seeking. Terdapat hubungan antara electronic word of mouth di media sosial Ulasan Google dengan minat beli konsumen Brocode Barbershop.

Kata Kunci: Electronic Word of Mouth, Social Media, Ulasan Google, Minat Beli


Electronic Word of Mouth, Social Media, Ulasan Google, Minat Beli

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