Pengaruh Total Retail Experience terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen pada Toko Buku Bandung Book Center Cabang Suci

Fazlur Rahman Nevotra, Septiana Estri Mahani, Nina Maharani


Abstract. The purpose of this study were to determine how the company’s efforts in building the total retail experince, how the buying decision book store bbc, and how much influence the total retail experience to consumer buying decisions. This type of research is verificatif conducted using incidental sampling technique to collect sample, using a sample of 100 (one hundred) respondents consumers of book store BBC, analysis of the data used to test the hypothesis is regression analysis. These results of this study  demonstrate the implementation of total retail experience is less going well, respondents to the implementation of the total retail experience is enough,respondents regarding  the consuments buying decision is the category is erll, but have 2 dimensions are connected from TRE to consuments buying decision is product price and merchandise quality, and there is a total retail experience to influence consumer purchasing decisions with a value of p = 0.228, koefesian a correlation of 0.052 (R = 0.052), and the coefficient determinant (R-Square / R2) of 5.2%. This means that total retail experience is signifikan positive influence on consumer buying decisions, but in the low category.

Abstrak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana upaya perusahaan dalam membangun total retail experience, bagaimana keputusan pembelian konsumen toko BBC dan seberapa besar pengaruh total retail experience terhadap keputusan pembelian kosumen. Jenis penelitian yang dilaksanaka ini bersifat verifikatif dengan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan sample Insidental sampling dengan menggunakan 100 sampel responden konsumen toko BBC cabang itenas. Analisis data yang digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis adalah analisis regresi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pelaksanaan total retail experience yang di implementasikan tergolong kurang baik, tanggapan responden terhadap pelaksanaan total retail experience cukup, tanggapan responden mengenai keputusan pembelian konsumen cukup baik, terdapat 2 dimensi yang sangat berhubungan yaitu dimensi merchandise quality dan product price, serta terdapat pengaruh total retail experience terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen dengan nilai p = 0.228, koefesian korelasi sebesar 0.052 (R = 0.052), dan koefisen determinan (R-Square/R2) sebesar 5.2%. Artinya total retail experience secara signifika berpengaruh positif terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen namun dalam kategori rendah.


total retail experience, consumer buying decisions


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