Analisis Pengendalian Mutu Produk Paving Block Menggunakan Metode Statistical Quality Control (SQC) (Studi Kasus pada Perusahaan PT. Samson Jaya Utama)

Isma rahmatul muharomah


This study aims to analyze this research uses descriptive quantitative research methods, data used are primary data. Primary data in this study obtained through direct observation of the object observed. This study uses Statistical Quality Control (SQC) to analyze the degree of damage to paving blocks that occurred in April 2016. In general the results of the analysis using p-chart shows that the quality of the product is within the control limit. Based on the histogram is created, the highest level of damage that was broken geripis with damage 106 paving blocks. The second highest level of damage is cracked by 92 paving block and the lowest level of damage is a broken paving block as many as 92 paving.The results of the analysis using Statistical Quality Control (SQC) states that a defective product is under control, but in the graphic map of control points are still fluctuating and going constantly. This is an indication that the process is still the irregularities. Therefore the company needs to make the quality improvements that defective products can be reduced and does not occur on an ongoing basisKeywords: Economic Order Quantity, Safety Stock, Reorder Point.


Quality, Statistical Quality Control, Histogram, Full Map, Diagram of Cause and Effect


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