Pengaruh Self Efficacy dan Self Esteem terhadap Kinerja Karyawan dalam Issue COVID-19 di PT Daya Anugrah Mandiri Jatinangor

Agung Setia Nur Kholiq, Sri Suwarsi, Firman Shakti Firdaus


Abstract - This study aims to determine 1) Self Efficacy of employees in the Covid-19 issue at PT. Daya Anugrah Mandiri Jatinangor. 2) Self Esteem of employees in the Covid-19 issue at PT. Daya Anugrah Mandiri Jatinangor. 3) Employee performance in the Covid-19 issue at PT. Daya Anugrah Mandiri Jatinangor. 4) The Effect of Self Efficacy on Employee Performance in Covid-19 Issues at PT. Daya Anugrah Mandiri Jatinangor. 5) The Effect of Self Esteem on Employee Performance in Covid-19 Issues at PT. Daya Anugrah Mandiri Jatinangor. 6) The influence of Self Efficacy and Self Esteem on employee performance in the Covid-19 issue at PT. Daya Anugrah Mandiri Jatinangor. The research method used is descriptive analysis and verification analysis. The variables in this study are Self Efficacy, Self Esteem and Employee Performance. Data collection obtained through questionnaires, observation, interviews, and literature study. The sampling technique is saturated sampling. Respondents of this research are employees at PT. Daya Anugrah Mandiri Jatinangor, amounting to 31 people. The results of this study concluded that: 1) Self-efficacy of employees in the Covid-19 issue at PT. Daya Anugrah Mandiri Jatinangor is in the very high category. 2) Self Esteem of employees in the Covid-19 issue at PT. Daya Anugrah Mandiri Jatinangor is in the very high category. 3) Employee performance in the Covid-19 issue at PT. Daya Anugrah Mandiri Jatinangor is in the very high category. 4) Partially Self Efficacy has a significant effect on Employee Performance in the Covid-19 Issue at PT. Daya Anugrah Mandiri Jatinangor. 5) Partially Self Esteem has a significant effect on Employee Performance in the Covid-19 Issue at PT. Daya Anugrah Mandiri Jatinangor. 6) Self Efficacy and Self Esteem simultaneously have a significant effect on employee performance in the Covid-19 issue at PT. Daya Anugrah Mandiri Jatinangor. It can be concluded that there is an influence between Self Efficacy and Self Esteem on Employee Performance in the Covid-19 Issue at PT. Daya Anugrah Mandiri Jatinangor

Keywords: Self Efficacy, Self Esteem, Employee Performance


Abstrak - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui 1) Self Efficacy karyawan dalam issue Covid-19 di PT. Daya Anugrah Mandiri Jatinangor. 2) Self Esteem karyawan dalam issue Covid-19 di PT. Daya Anugrah Mandiri Jatinangor. 3) Kinerja Karyawan dalam issue Covid-19 di PT. Daya Anugrah Mandiri Jatinangor. 4) Pengaruh Self Efficacy terhadap Kinerja Karyawan dalam Issue Covid-19 di PT. Daya Anugrah Mandiri Jatinangor. 5) Pengaruh Self Esteem terhadap Kinerja Karyawan dalam Issue Covid-19 di PT. Daya Anugrah Mandiri Jatinangor. 6) Pengaruh Self Efficacy dan Self Esteem terhadap kinerja karyawan dalam issue Covid-19 di PT. Daya Anugrah Mandiri Jatinangor. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dan verifikatif. Variabel dalam penelitian ini Self Efficacy, Self Esteem dan Kinerja Karyawan. Pengumpulan data yang diperoleh melalui kuesioner, observasi, wawancara, dan studi pustaka. Teknik penarikan sampel adalah sampling jenuh. Responden penelitian ini adalah karyawan di PT. Daya Anugrah Mandiri Jatinangor yang berjumlah 31 orang. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa: 1) Self Efficacy karyawan dalam issue Covid-19 di PT. Daya Anugrah Mandiri Jatinangor termasuk kategori sangat tinggi. 2) Self Esteem karyawan dalam issue Covid-19 di PT. Daya Anugrah Mandiri Jatinangor termasuk kategori sangat tinggi. 3) Kinerja Karyawan dalam issue Covid-19 di PT. Daya Anugrah Mandiri Jatinangor termasuk kategori sangat tinggi. 4) Self Efficacy secara parsial berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan dalam Issue Covid-19 di PT. Daya Anugrah Mandiri Jatinangor. 5) Self Esteem secara parsial berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan dalam Issue Covid-19 di PT. Daya Anugrah Mandiri Jatinangor. 6) Self Efficacy dan Self Esteem secara simultan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan dalam issue Covid-19 di PT. Daya Anugrah Mandiri Jatinangor. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh antara Self Efficacy dan Self Esteem terhadap Kinerja Karyawan dalam Issue Covid-19 di PT. Daya Anugrah Mandiri Jatinangor

Kata kunci: Self Efficacy, Self Esteem, Kinerja Karyawan


Self Efficacy, Self Esteem, Employee Performance

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