Raden Dyah Kamuda Ningrat


This study attempts to know how big the influence of sales promotions to interest in buying consumers the coffee shop aruna dine and coffee .Research methodology used in this research survey while the types this research is research descriptive and verifikatif .Sample in this research as many as 100 respondents who are consumers the coffee shop aruna dine and coffee .Analysis the data used was linear regression simple.The result of this research is overall response respondents with the implementation of the sales promotions done by aruna dine and coffee until now run quite well , but there are still several respondents who believe that sales promotions done by aruna dine and coffee having the predicate less baik.tingkat interest in buying consumers aruna dine and coffee based on response respondents including in the good enough , although there are still several respondents who give statement less than good.Is influence between promotion sale to buy the consumer in interest aruna dine and coffee, promotion sale with the influence of 30,7 % of interest buy, the remaining fund % 69,3 influenced by a factor such as brand image, price, the other and reference.


Promotion Sale, Interest Buy

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