Pengaruh Kualitas Produk terhadap Minat Beli Produk Toko Diana Oulet Bandung

Reina Amalia Pratiwi, Nina Maharani


Abstract. The purpose of this research is to identify Diana Store’s strategies in maintaining its product quality, to identify customer’s response towards the product quality, to identify the customer’s buying interest, and to identify how much the impact that product quality has towards customer’s buying interest in Diana Store. Survey method is used in this research. The research type is Descriptive Verificative. This research uses 100 respondents who happened to be the customers of Diana Store as the sample. The questionnaire is used to collect the data. The method for data analyzing is Simple Linear Regression Analysis method. Customer’s response regarding Diana Store’s product quality are poor. Responses regarding the customer’s buying interest in Diana Store are poor. The results of this study indicate the impact of product quality towards customer’s buying interest in Diana Store.

Keywords : Product Quality, Customer’s Buying Interest



Product Quality, Customer’s Buying Interest

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