Pengaruh Customer Experience terhadap Repurchase Intention

Harkat Novianda, Ratih Tresnati


Abstract. This research is aimed to find out how the customer experience in Pisang Nugget Crispy Bandung BANANA crunch, to know the responses of respondents about the customer experience at Pisang Nugget Crispy Bandung BANANA crunch, to know the response of respondents about the repurchase at Pisang Nugget Crispy Bandung BANANA crunch, and to find the great influence Customer experience Against the intention of repurchasing. This research was conducted at Pisang Nugget Crispy Bandung BANANA crunch with case study method and using simple regression analysis processed using SPSS. Subjects in this study were 100 respondents, with research methods and techniques of sampling non probability accidential sampling. The data analysis used is simple regression analysis ready for. The results of this study indicate the influence of the customer experience on repurchase intention with p = 0,000, the score of 0.674 (R = 0.674) and the determinants (R2) 45.5% which means affect the customer experience on the intention of buy back. 

 Keywords: customer experience, repurchase intention.



Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menetahui bagaimana merancang customer experience di Pisang Nugget Crispy Bandung BANANA crunch, untuk mengetahui tanggapan responden tentang customer experience di Pisang Nugget Crispy Bandung BANANA crunch, untuk mengetahui tanggapan responden tentang repurchase intention di Pisang Nugget Crispy Bandung BANANA crunch, dan untuk mencari seberapa besar pengaruh customer experience  terhadap repurchase intention. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Pisang Nugget Crispy Bandung BANANA crunch dengan metode studi kasus dan menggunakan analisis regresi sederhana yang diolah menggunakan SPSS. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah 100 orang responden, dengan melakukan metode penelitian survey dan teknik penarikan sampel non probability accidential sampling. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi sederhana yang bertujuan untuk menguji hipotesis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan adanya pengaruh customer experience terhadap repurchase intention dengan nilai p=0,000, koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,674 (R=0,674) dan koefisien determinasi sebesar (R2 ) 45,5% yang berarti terdapat pengaruh customer experience terhadap repurchase intention.

Kata kunci : financial distress, likuiditas, solvabilitas, model zmijewski, kinerja keuangan.


financial distress, likuiditas, solvabilitas, model zmijewski, kinerja keuangan

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