Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pariwisata Halal Kabupaten Indramayu Jawa Barat
Abstract. Halal tourism is becoming a Muslim traveler trend in the world, along with the large economic growth of Muslim population. Indramayu Regency has a very important problem, that is, the information system of halal tourism destinations there that has not been well managed, in result domestic and foreign tourists are reluctant to visit. The problem leads to necessity of tourism development. One of the ways is the construction of the West Java International Airport in Kertajati, the existence of this airport is the starting point for the tourism sector of Indramayu Regency to attract tourists. The method used in designing information systems in the airport is the Framework for the Application of Systems Thinking (FAST). Development Strategy Model uses Model driven development (MDD) is a system development strategy that prioritizes model drawings to help provide an overview and examine problems, business needs, and design of information systems. The FAST method consists of several stages starting from determining the scope, problem analysis, requirements analysis, logic design, decision analysis, physical design, construction and testing, implementation and delivery, system operation and maintenance. The construction of a practical assessment information system is carried out using AppBuilder online from AppyPie resulting in a mobile-based halal tourism promotion system that can be applied to smartphones or tablets based on Android or iOS. The halal tourism application has several features such as login, input registration forms and reports, lodging, restaurant menus and events that will be held in Indramayu Regency.
Keywords: Halal Tourism, Framework for the Application of Systems Thinking (FAST), AppBuilder
Abstrak. Pariwisata halal tengah jadi tren Muslim traveler di dunia, seiring dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi penduduk muslim yang besar. Kabupaten Indramayu memiliki masalah yang sangat penting yaitu penyampaian informasi destinasi pariwasata halal di Kabupaten Indramayu belum terkelola dengan baik, sehingga wisatawan nusantara maupun mancanegara enggan untuk melakukan pariwisata. Maka perlu adanya pengembangan pariwisata, hal ini tak lepas dari dibangunnya Bandara Internasional Jawa Barat di Kertajati, keberadaan bandara ini menjadi modal titik tolak bagi sektor pariwisata Kabupaten Indramayu untuk menarik wisatawan. Metode yang digunakan dalam perancangan sistem informasi yaitu Framework for the Application of Systems Thinking (FAST). Model Strategi Pengembangan menggunakan Model driven development (MDD) merupakan strategi pengembangan sistem yang mengutamakan gambar model untuk membantu memberi gambaran dan meneliti masalah, kebutuhan bisnis, dan desain sistem informasi. Metode FAST terdiri dari beberapa tahapan mulai dari penentuan lingkup, analisis masalah, analisis persyaratan, perancangan secara logika, analisis keputusan, perancangan secara fisik, pembangunan dan pengujian, implementasi dan penyampaian, operasi sistem dan pemeliharaan. Pembangunan sistem informasi penilaian praktikum dilakukan menggunakan online AppBuilder dari AppyPie dihasilkan sistem promosi pariwisata halal berbasis mobile yang dapat di aplikasikan pada smartphone atau tablet berbasis android maupun iOS. Aplikasi pariwisata halal tersebut memiliki fitur-fitur seperti login, input formulir pendaftaran dan laporan, menu penginapan, restoran serta event yang akan dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Indramayu.
Kata kunci: Pariwisata Halal, Framework for the Application of Systems Thinking (FAST), AppBuilder
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