Brand Awarness Pemirsa Mengenai Bloomberg TV Indonesia

Renita Ryana Surya, Nurrahmawati Nurahmawati


Abstract.Nowadays, media particularly television has been used or needed by every community in providing information as well as introducing a brand or product. Media is uses by company to introduce product, service or program of the company to increase brand awareness. It is common that media attracts publis by releasing ads of its product or with creating a program to attract public eyes and to uphold it's name that make or create the program. Targeted segment is usually formed based on the created product or program. It could be adolescent, kid to adult. One of the companies that is using media as a vehicle to increase brand awareness is Bloomberg TV Indonesia. As a new company, Bloomberg TV Indonesia creates programs that are expected can attract public awareness toward Bloomberg TV Indonesia especially as well as Bloomberg international. One of the ways to introduce Bloomberg TV Indonesia is through an in-house program namely Start Up. Start up is a program in starting internet-based company amid current digital era. Most of start-up pioneers are young adult. Products introduced are vary from softwares, apps up to games. Despite the small capital, some of them successfully attract foreign users. Start up explores creative people in digital in Indonesia. This program keens in introducing innovations and strategies that will create startup excel and then will bring change to the world. Seeing this phenomenon, writer would like to conduct a research entitled “Brand Awareness: how public know Bloomberg TV Indonesia.â€. Writer used quanritative approach. By using three main components namely brand recognition, brand recall and top of mind related to integrated marketing communications where writer finds out whether start up helps in increasing public awareness over Bloomberg TV Indonesia. Sample is taken from binus Jakarta students. After conducting a reservation, writer found that Binus students awareness over three components of Brand Recognition, Brand Recall, Top of Mind are high. It is  concluded that Bloomberg TV Indonesia Brand Awareness through Start Up is successful. 

Abstrak.Artikel ilmiah ini membahas tentang Brand awarness pemrisa mengenai Bloomberg TV Indonesia. pada penelitian ini penulis menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif dengan fondasi dari tiga komponen turunan Brand awarness yaitu Brand Recognition, Brand Recall dan Top of Mind. yang dihubungkan dengan teori Intergrated Marketing Communication (IMC). Dimana peneliti mencoba untuk mencari apakah benar adanya program Startup membantu meningkatkan Brand Awarness pemirsa mengenai Bloomberg TV Indonesia. Penelitian ini mengambil sampel dari mahasiswa Bina Nusantara International (BINUS) Jakarta.Setelah diakukannya penelitian, ditemukan kesimpulam bahwa; Brand Awarnessmahasiswa Bina Nusantara International (BINUS) terhadap tiga komponen Brand Recognition, Brand Recall, Top of Mind berada pada kategori tinggi. Dapat simpulkan bahwa Brand Awarness Bloomberg TV Indonesia melalui program Startup berjalan dengan baik.


Brand Awarness, Television Program, Television Media


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