Komunikasi Keluarga dalam Menanamkan Adab dan Sopan Santun

Deden Kurniawan, Oji Kurniadi


Abstract, Communication is very important and needed in daily life in the family, especially when parents instill courtesy and politeness to their children. The purpose of this study is to find out the ways used by parents to instill courtesy and politeness to children. This qualitative research method used a case study approach, with descriptive method. Where the data collection techniques used through observation, interviews, and documentation. Furthermore, in analyzing the data the author will use three main steps in the study, namely: data reduction, display data and verification. The results of research based on research questions, the results showed that: 1)Communication in a family has been well applied by parents to early childhood because parents agree that communication is very important in daily activities in the family especially in set out the courtesy and politeness, 2)The role of parents in set out the courtesy and politeness is good enough to be done, by giving examples of good behavior to early childhood, 3)Problems encountered parents are differences of opinion between parents in parenting children and in this modern era the development of technology such as gadgets that attracts the attention of the children, but parents can overcome them.

Keywords: Family Communication, Cultivation of courtesy and politeness.


Komunikasi Keluarga, Penanaman adab dan sopan santun.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v6i2.24488

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