Makna Toxic Parents di Kalangan Remaja Kabaret SMAN 10 Bandung

Shelfira Carelina, Maman Suherman


ABSTRACT.Toxic is a term for people who have a person who likes to be troublesome, harms others, both physically and emotionally, as well as verbally and non-verbally, but is more interpreted as a person who has the same negative effect as poison, and has an effect. bad that can destroy someone's mood. The research is interested in researching this and has a purpose regarding the meaning of toxic parents among adolescents, especially among cabaret adolescents at SMAN 10 Bandung, as well as knowing why these adolescents can say that their parents are toxic parents, and to find out how the process of communicating between children and people parents so that the child can conclude that their parents are toxic parents. Toxic is a word that is trending nowadays, therefore, researchers are interested in examining the meaning of toxic parents among cabaret teenagers of SMAN 10 Bandung. The results of this study were various, the meaning of the toxic parents themselves, most of the 6 subjects said that there was indifference to the parents and the comparison and trauma to the child.

Keyword : toxic, teenage, parents


toxic, remaja, orang tua

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