Perencanaan Komunikasi Dinas Sosial Kota Cirebon

Nisrina Nursholeha, Maman Chatamallah


Abstract— The hight social problems that exist in the city of Cirebon, make the Sosial Service Empowerment of Women and Chilidren of Cirebon City design a community service program that is the Cirebon Confession Contest. In order for the Cirebon Confession Contest to run smoothly, it needs the support of the community. Before that the public first understand the Cirebon Confession Contest program. Socialization is way to make people understand the Cirebon Confession Contest program. The theory used in this reserch is Hafied Cangara’s communication planning theory with a “?†sign flow pattern with Assifi and French. The purpose of this study was to determine the uniqueness of the Cirebon City Sosial Service communication planning in socializing the Cirebon Confession Contest program. The uniqueness of the Cirebon City Social Service communication planning in socializing this program by socializing every Sunday on Car Free Day or the Bima Stadion. The resercher obtained the results of the research that the communication planning carried out by the Cirebon City Sosial Service was in accordance with the communication planning of the sign flow model “?†Hafied Cangara with Assifi and French.  In carrying out each program there are obstacles that are encountered, the obstacles that exist in the Cirebon City Social Service in conducting socializing are people who do not know the information about the Cirebon Confession Contest program. The research method used is qualitative research with a case study approach, collecting data through interview, observations and documentation.

Keywords: Cirebon Confession Contest, Comunnication Planning, Socialization


Iklan, Kesadaran Merek, Le Minerale.

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