Strategi Perencanaan Public Relations dalam Membangun Citra

Setya Ratu Nurrahayu, Maman Chatamallah


Abstract:Today's increasingly competitive business competition requires management of a company to use the right business strategy for the products or services it sells. Likewise is the case with Birama Live. As one of the event organizer that has just appeared, of course, it needs a strategy to be able to compete with other event organizers. A public relations in achieving its goals certainly plans a strategy for each program it implements. This strategy was created to achieve the expected target. One of the targets of Birama Live is to become an event organizer that can become a sustainable project, it needs strategies to achieve it. So the purpose of this study is to find out how the planning strategy undertaken by the Birama Live publications to achieve its goals as a sustainable project. This research is a type of qualitative research with a case study method. While the paradigm of this research uses the social constructivism paradigm. Data collection techniques used were in-depth interviews, observation and documentation. The results of the study show that Birama is a collaboration of Saga Inspira and the Meja Bunda which has experienced in the fields of events and music, this is the strength of Birama. The personal branding of each founder becomes a strength point of Birama. Birama is dedicated to providing a stage for local musicians and incubation platforms for creative actors in Bandung as a concept od sustainability


Keywords: planning strategy, public relations and sustainability


strategi perencanaan, public relations dan sustainability

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