Hubungan Publisitas dalam Program Jabar dengan Citra Pemerintah

Silvi Aprilia, Nurrahmawati Nurrahmawati


Abstract. Public relations work at the government of West Java Province can be used as a reference in carrying out its duties and roles in establishing good communication or relations with the public through new media that develops in the community with the aim of facilitating the public in accessing information that is blessed with the government. In connection with the many rumors and hoaxes circulating in the community. West Java Public Relations with the Instagram account @humas_jabar use social media as a medium for communicating with the public. Instagram is the platform most interested in doing publicity as information that does not need to pay for its news spaces but at the same time cannot be controlled by the government that provides information, as a result the information on this program can result in a positive or negative image in the community. In this study using a quantitative method of collaborative approach. Research data were collected through questionnaires, observations, bibliography, and interviews, which then analyzed the data using a statistical test. Questionnaire distribution is in accordance with the Sample of Respondents taken with probability sampling technique. Data analysis using Speraman Rank Validity Test and Reliability Test using Speramen Brown and calculations using SPSS version 23 application.

Keywords: Publicity, West Java Program Has Information, Government Image.


Publisitas, Program Jabar Punya Informasi, Citra Pemerintah.

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