Hubungan Implementasi Strategi Public Relations dengan Citra Merek

Indayani Pratiwi, Neni Yulianita


ABSTRACT. The era of globalization requires a brand to be able to meet more demands for informations and product knowledges. Therefore, every brand tries to make a marketing approach related to brand image and public relations strategy. It is known that the ability of public relations to maintain the value of brands' credibilities from facing various challenges, making this approach better than advertising. One of the way is to implement the PENCILS public relations strategies, which consists of: publications, events, news, community involvement, information or image, lobbying and negotiation and social responsibility. One of the brands that has implemented the PENCILS public relations strategies, especially in the publication aspect is R Plus Basic. This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between the implementation of public relations strategies and the brand image of R Plus Basic. The theory used in this research is the Hypodermic Needle Theory. This research method uses quantitative methods with correlation studies. The population of this study were 27,200 followers of the R Plus Basic Instagram account as of April 14, 2020, with a sample of at least 100 respondents using Slovin calculations. The data collection method in this study used a questionnaire. The data analysis technique used in this research is statistical analysis which is presented in table form and descriptive description. The results showed that there is a very strong relationship between the aspects of publication consisting of publication sources, message content, information media and publication objectives with brand image owned by R Plus Basic.


Keywords: Public Relations Strategy, Publication, Brand Image


Strategi Public Relations, Publikasi, Citra Merek

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