Hubungan Antara Terpaan Informasi Kecelakaan Air Asia dengan Sikap Mahasiswa

Sophia Novita, Nova Yuliati


The mass media is now becoming one of the means of dissemination of information, one that ever received public is about information plane crash AirAsia QZ 8501 in December 2014, one of the participating media proclaim that information is Metro TV that broadcast in one program that is Breaking News , New information about something that provides the foundation for the formation of new cognitive attitude toward it. The purpose of this study is the author would like to know how the relationship between the intensity of watching the crash of AirAsia with the knowledge, emotional feelings and tendencies students about air transport safety, how the relationship between the content of the message crash of AirAsia with the knowledge, emotional feelings and tendencies of students about safety air transport and how the relationship between the quality of the message crash of Ai Asia with the knowledge, emotional feelings and the tendency of students to act on air transport safety.This study uses a quantitative method with the correlational. A strong relationship with the result of the test SPSS is 0,681it mean there is a relationship between exposure to air accident information AirAsia QZ 8501 with student attitudes.


Mass communication, information Exposure, Attitude


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