Hubungan Tayangan Vlog Aksi Sosial dalam Channel Youtube Bapau dengan Perilaku Subscribers Berbuat Kebaikan

Rikma Aurelia Pertiwi, M E Fuady


Abstract. Youtube is one of social media that can be used to increase cares to fellow human being with presenting positive contents. But unfortunately, in Indonesia, there are still many vlog content that does not provide education and inspiration for the audience. Bapau youtube channel is one channel with the famous vlog content providing entertainment, education, and inspiration to the audience to care for each other. The contents was aim to make the viewers can do what Baim Wong do. This research purposed to know the corelations between social action vlog with subscriber behavior to make kindness. This research is using cuantitative method with corelations approach and refers to social cognitive theory. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. Respondents in this study were Instagram @ baimwong.paula._ followers with criteria as subscribers and watching social action vlogs. The result for this research shows there is a intense corelations between the social action vlog with subscriber’s behavior to make kindness with 0.803 correlation coefficient scores

Keywords: Social Media, Impression, Vlog, Social Action, Behavior


Media Sosial, Tayangan, vlog, Aksi Sosial, Perilaku

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