Makna Wanita Karier Di Dunia Pendidikan Guru di Smpn 48 Bandung

Azka Aini Tsaqila, Nova Yuliati


ABSTRACT, Before there was emancipation of women, generally married women would become housewives. His job is to take care of the house and family while the husband will work hard to earn money. Along with the times, now the community considers that women's work is not only helping their husband take care of the household, but they can study as high as possible and work to actualize their skills and education. Becoming a teacher is a noble work. A teacher must know the procedure of creating a class atmosphere, so students can learn in a pleasant atmosphere while being able to arouse students' interest and attention in learning so to be able to increase student interest in learning, a teacher must have their own interesting concepts during the learning process in order to creating an effective environment for learning. Therefore, the objectives of this study are as follows: 1. To find out the motive for choosing to become a career woman as a teacher. 2. To find out the meaning as a female educator. 3. To find out the experience so motivated to be a career woman. 4. To find out ways to develop the potential of a teacher in communicating. The research method used is a qualitative method, using the theory of Phenomenology of Edmund Husserl, each phenomenon consists of subjective and object. The subjects of this study were female teachers namely Mrs. Dwi as a Science teacher, Ms. Tita as a Mathematics Teacher, and Mrs. Imas as an Indonesian Language Teacher. The object of this research is the meaning and motives of the career woman of a teacher. There are internal motives that desire arises from oneself so that it becomes a reference to reach the desire to become a teacher to be achieved and can be lived and there are also external motives namely the desire to want to work and have a career as a teacher there is from the encouragement of others who are seen and felt so that they become motivated to be someone who can be useful, useful and reliable from his career.

Keywords: Career Women, Teacher, Meaning, Motive


Wanita Karier, Guru, Makna, Motif

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