Pengalaman Polisi Wanita

Denisa Shofia Asysyahadatanie, Tresna Wiwitan


Abstract: Gender equality is no longer an obstacle for women to choose to become career women. At this time, women's careers are increasing, for example the female police profession. This study is entitled "Female Police Officers' Experience" which aims to understand and analyse; 1) The motive of being a police woman, 2) The meaning of the police woman profession, 3) The experience of being a police woman. The method used is a qualitative method with the phenomenological approach of Alfred Schutz's model. There were five research informants involved in this research. The criteria were that they were female police officers aged 20-25 years who have already been working for more than 5-6 years. Data collection in this study uses observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. In analyzing the research findings, the theory used by researchers is the Hierarchy of Needs theory, The Social Construction of Reality theory, and Dramaturgy theory. The results of this study can be concluded that, 1) Because the motives of the informants are; aspirations, livelihoods, promising professions, family professional background and desires. Meanwhile, in order to motivate the informants, namely; serving the country, family pride, forming a personality, having savings and changing lives. 2) The meaning of this profession is; meaning of nationalism, social meaning and cultural meaning. 3) The experience of informants is; mentoring,, camouflage, and PLB (Extraordinary Call).

Keywords: female police, meaning, motives, phenomenology.


polisi wanita, makna, motif, fenomenologi

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