Konstruksi Sosial Electrical Lifestyle dalam Praktik Public Relations melalui Manajamen Isu

Dita Oktrisal, Ani Yuningsih


Abstract. Along with the rise of talk about environmental issues and new renewable energy PT. PLN introduces a new lifestyle program to the public, namely Electrical Lifestyle. Viewed from the management function the role of Public Relations has a very important contribution to help smooth management activities, especially in helping matters relating to efforts to assess public attitudes. To find out how the development of the Electrical Lifestyle social construction requires the management of issues that serve as a tool that can be used to identify, analyze and manage issues that develop and also respond. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method and uses the constructivist paradigm in understanding the problems to be studied. Data collection techniques carried out include interviews, observation and data. With informants from West Java Public Relations PLN UID West Java and people who have started to implement the Electrical Lifestyle lifestyle. The results in this study are in carrying out the process of social construction of the Electrical Lifestyle program through three stages, namely externalization, objectivation and internalization. In the process there are public relations practices through the issue management process. The process begins with identification to evaluation of results.

Keywords—Social Construction, Issue Management, Electrical Lifestyle


Konstruksi Sosial, Manajemen Isu, Electrical Lifestyle.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v6i2.22785

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