Program Dinas Pemberdayaan Perempuan Perlindungan Anak dan Keluarga Berencana (DP3AKB) Jawa Barat Sekolah Perempuan Capai Impian dan Cita-Cita (Sekoper Cinta) dalam Memberdayakan Perempuan

Almira Aisyah Allamanda, Maya Amalia Oesman Palapah


Abstract, Sekoper Cinta is a women school that helps the community to reach their dreams by increasing understanding, sharing experiences, honing skills, and increasing family income. The school is helped by facilitators at RW 13 Babakan in Babakan Ciparay sub-district. RW 13 had problems related to low level of skills and economy. This study aimed to investigate the communication strategies of the facilitators when they gave information and Sekoper Cinta training to the residents. This study aimed to investigate the communication process and its obstacle faced by the facilitators and why they gave sewing training to the residents. This study employed qualitative case study methodology. The key informants in this study were Sekoper Cinta facilitators in Babakan Ciparay and two RW 13 residents. Furthermore, the triangulation was staff of mainstreaming gender (SMG) DP3AKB Jawa Barat and section head PHPP DP3APM Kota Bandung. The results of this study showed that the facilitator used interpersonal strategies during the communication process by visiting the residents directly to the Sekoper Cinta area, giving them motivation and support with openness and positive attitude. There was an obstacle in the form of educational level difference between the facilitator and the residents. Sekoper Cinta program were introduced because there were many residents that lack of expertise and skill. Furthermore, the facilitators were trying to make the residents’ life better and they were well responded.

Keywords: Interpersonal Communication, Group Communication, Communication Process, Communication Obstacle, Sekoper Cinta.


Komunikasi Interpersonal, Komunikasi Kelompok, Proses Komunikasi, Sekoper Cinta.

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