Hubungan Brand Image Pickers Store dengan Loyalitas Anggota Komunitas Jumat Blarrr

Divnadya Aulira Zein, Oji Kurniadi


Abstract.The rapid development of technology and information at this time also provides an opportunity to make it easier for entrepreneurs to market their products. Competition in the fasion world is very tight so as to make entrepreneurs create a fashion that is as exciting as possible to be liked by the public. Fashion is a thing that is loved by many people, because fashion can provide a beauty and comfort to its users. From that fashion, a brand that gives identity to its users is born. With the creation of a brand, loyalty is formed from the users of the brand. This thesis is entitled " The Correlations Between Brand Image Of Pikers Store With The Loyalty Of Jumat Blarrr Community’s Member. In this study aims to analyze whether there is a correlations between Pickers store brand image with the loyalty of Jumat Blarrr motorcycle community members. The method used in this study is the correlational method. The respondents selected by the researchers were members of the Jumat Blarrr community, the population owned by 80 community members and the researchers used total sampling, which means taking the entire population from community members. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant correlations between the Pickers Store brand image and the Jumat Blarrr Community Member Loyalty with a correlational result of 0.653 which means that this correlations is very strong. The very strong correlations shows that the brand image owned by Pickers Store has a big influence on the loyalty of members of the Jumat Blarrr community.

Keywords: Brand Image, Pickers Store, Loyalty.


Brand Image, Pickers Store, Loyalitas.

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