Strategi Engagement PT. Bio Farma (Persero) dengan Bio Digi Troops

Fawadz Fikri, Ani Yuningsih


Abstract — Along with the development of technology, modern Public Relations at this time is Digital Public Relations. Digital PR is becoming familiar with the name of social media, both youtube, blog, twitter, fb, and others. There PR will meet the audience who are ready to receive the message to be delivered. With the right message and audience. viral happens, and the message that PR conveys will form a network of messages that connect from one audience to another. The performance of a PR will be fairly good if he has the attachment of fellow employees, or his superiors. The company builds engagement with the strength of its social media as a support of reputation. This research uses a qualitative method with a case study approach, with interview, observation and literature study techniques. The results of this study are to find a model of activity carried out by Corpororate Communication PT. Bio Farma (Persero) towards the PR Biofarma digital team, namely Bio Digi Troops, carries out its function as a facilitator in managing social media content, communication strategies that are carried out so that there is a very good attachment, and the reason Corpororate Communication of PT. Bio Farma (Persero) uses internal influencers.

Keywords: Digital Public Relations, Engagement, Communication Strategy, Influencer


Digital Public Relations, Engagement, Strategi Komunikasi, Influencer

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