Strategi Penanganan Keluhan di Rumah Sakit

Fitria Lestari, Ani Yuningsih


Abstract: In the period from October to December 2019, Soreang  Regional General Hospital experienced a significant increase in complaints. The data is recapitulated by the Public Relations section of the Complaints. The main factor causing the increase in the complaint graph was the overflow of patients that was not balanced with the condition of the hospital, such as lack of adequate facilities, lack of professional human resources, and so on. This study aims to analyze and find an overview of the strategic steps of PR in handling customer complaints. This research uses qualitative methods with a case study approach. The informants in this study were the Public Relations staff of the Complaints section, the staff of the Hospital Health Promotion section, the Head of the Public Relations Program and Subdivision, and customers who had made complaints. Data collection techniques used in this study were interviews, observation and literature study. The results of this study are: 1) Strategic steps carried out by PR in handling customer complaints at the Soreang Regional General Hospital, 2) Obstacles found in the implementation of handling customer complaints at the Soreang Regional General Hospital, 3) Public Relations reasons for doing this strategy as an effort to handle customer complaints at the Soreang Regional General Hospital


Keywords: Complaints handling strategy, Public Relations, Hospital.


Strategi penanganan keluhan, Humas, Rumah Sakit.

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